首页> 中文期刊> 《岩石力学与工程学报》 >应力与渗流耦合作用下溪洛渡拱坝变形稳定分析




The detailed analyses of the geological conditions of the Xiluodu arch dam foundation under stressseepage coupling are carried out.Based on field monitoring data,the paper tries to understand the mechanism of seepage coupling in the foundation of Xiluodu dam,where seepage pressure and water level fluctuation are considered.In this paper,the seepage parameters and boundary conditions are determined based on the seepage simulations in combination of field monitoring.The relationship between permeability and stress-deformation is established.By using the nonlinear finite element method,the integrity seepage stability of dam foundation in the typical stages of construction period is numerically studied.Based on the deformations and compressive stresses obtained by numerical simulations and field monitoring data,the seepage state of the dam foundation during construction is obtained.Next,seepage stabilities of dam during operation period are predicted,which may be employed for seepage controlling system of the dam site.Finally,it is noted that the safety and construction quality of the dam during impounding process should be ensured.%以溪洛渡工程为例,通过对大坝基础地质条件、岩体内应力-渗流耦合作用机制的详细分析,基于现场监测数据,对大坝复杂基础的渗流耦合作用机制和渗压、水位变化规律进行分析;对比渗流场分析结果和实测结果,确定岩层的渗透参数及边界条件.建立裂隙岩体渗透特性和应力-变形的关系,采用非线性有限元方法,对施工期典型阶段的大坝基础渗流工作状态进行三维数值精细模拟分析,分析结果与现场变形和压应力监测值进行对比,得到施工期大坝复杂基础的渗透真实工作状态,预测大坝运行期的渗流工作性态,从而指导大坝现场渗控体系施工,对保证蓄水过程的施工质量和大坝安全具有重要指导意义.



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