首页> 中文期刊> 《中国实用眼科杂志》 >高度近视眼脉络膜厚度与年龄及眼轴长度相关性研究



目的 探讨高度近视脉络厚度与年龄和眼轴长度之间的相关性.方法 回顾性临床病例研究.对2013年1月至2015年4月在北京安贞医院眼科,应用SD-OCT测量67例(132只眼)高度近视患者的脉络膜厚度,每只眼测量11处脉络膜厚度,分别为黄斑中心凹下,及黄斑中心凹下向鼻侧及颞侧以500 μm为间距测量各5点.应用A超测量眼轴长度.使用SPSS 16.0统计软件对测量值进行统计学分析.结果 患者的平均年龄为(47.7±15.4)岁.眼轴长度为(27.6±1.8) mm.屈光度为(-11.5±5.3)D.高度近视患者脉络膜厚度由鼻侧到颞侧逐渐增厚,黄斑中心凹下脉络膜厚度(subfoveal choroidal thickness,SFCT)为(119±80) μm.线性相关分析显示脉络膜厚度与年龄、眼轴长度及屈光度均呈负相关(年龄r=-0.668,P<0.000;眼轴长度r=-0.412,P<0.000;屈光度r=-0.423,P<0.000),线性回归方程:脉络膜厚度=641.907-2.758*年龄-14.571*眼轴.结论 高度近视脉络膜厚度随年龄、眼轴增长及屈光度增加而逐渐变薄,呈线性相关.%Objective To investigate the choroidal thickness in highly myopic eyes and to correlate it with age and axial length of the eyes.Methods A total of 67 patients (132 eyes) with high myopia were studied in a clinical setting.Eyes were imaged using optical coherence tomography.Choroidal thickness was manually measured.Eleven measurements were taken at 500 mm intervals up to 2500 mm with capiler system.The axial length was also measured in all subjects using ultrasound pachymetry.Data were analyzed by statistic software SPSS 16.0.Results The mean age was 47.7±15.4 years (range,20~74),mean axial length was 27.6±1.8mm (range,24~35),mean spherical equivalent was-11.5±5.3 D (range,-6~29).Mean macular choridal thickness was l19±80pm (range,20~384).The choroid was thickest temporally (125μm),then subfoveally (ll9μm),and was thinnest in the nasal area (72μm).Linear correlation analysis results showed the age,axial length and spherical equivalent were negatively correlated with mean ehoroidal thickness (age r =-0.668,P <0.000;axial length r =-0.412,P <0.000;spherical equivalent r =-0.423,P <0.000).Conclusions The choroidal thickness in highly myopic eyes is thinner than emmetropic patients.Axial length,age and spherical equivalent are associated with choroidal thickness in high myopia.



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