首页> 中文期刊> 《中国实用神经疾病杂志》 >进展为帕金森病的特发性震颤临床特点分析




目的:探讨进展为帕金森病的特发性震颤的临床特点。方法回顾性分析单纯特发性震颤患者(40例)及进展为帕金森病的特发性震颤患者(16例)的临床资料,比较2组患者的发病年龄、病程、震颤类型、震颤分布范围、小脑体征、肌肉强直等,并采用日常生活能力量表(ADL )进行生活能力评价。结果2组患者在发病年龄、性别、病程、ADL评分、小脑体征方面无显著差异。与单纯特发性震颤患者比较,进展为帕金森病的特发性震颤患者帕金森病家族史、帕金森病样症状更为常见( P<0.05)。2组患者震颤部位均以上肢常见,单纯特发性震颤患者较进展为帕金森病的特发性震颤患者姿势性或动作性震颤所占比例增高,震颤分布范围更加广泛,易累及头部、咽喉、下肢等多个部位( P<0.05)。结论进展为帕金森病的特发性震颤患者具有帕金森病样表现。%Objective To explore the clinical characteristic of patients with essential tremor developing into Parkinson ’s disease (ET-PD).Methods Forty cases with ET and sixteen cases with ET-PD were retrospectively reviewed. In the two groups , features such as age at onset ,duration ,the type of tremor ,the location of tremor ,cerebellar signs ,and rigidity were compared. ADL was used to evaluate the activity of daily living.Results T he patients in the two groups had similar age ,gender ,duration ,ADL scores and cerebrella signs. Family history of PD and signs of parkinson-ism were more common in ET-PD than ET patients(P<0.05). Upper limb tremor was common in the two groups. More ET than ET-PD had widespread postural and/or action tremor. The tremor included the head ,voice ,and legs(P<0.05).Conclusion ET-PD patients may have PD features.



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