首页> 中文期刊>极地研究 >第27次南极科学考察度夏期间长城站地震观测




在第27次中国南极科学考察度夏期间,针对长城站原地震台受干扰源(如发电栋、冷库)的影响,对台站进行了重新选址工作,并完成了新台站的基建工程(摆坑、电缆布设等),架设了一套宽频带地震仪.对新台站记录的数据进行分析表明新台站运行稳定,背景噪音小,记录的地震事件信噪比高,这为下一步开展相关地震学方面的研究将提供高质量的数据.尽管本次科考地震观测时间短,但是新台站不仅观测到了远震记录,而且观测到了长城站附近地区的近震和疑似冰震的记录.单台定位结果显示4次近震分布基本与南设得兰群岛走向平行,且震源深度由东北向西南逐渐变深.%During the 27th Chinese Antarctic summer scientific expedition, we relocated the Great Wall Seismic Station to avoid interference sources (e. G. Power generation building and cold storage). After completing the infrastructure projects (e. G. The vault of the seismic station and cable laying) , we set up a new broadband seismograph for the station. The analysis of the waveforms shows that the new seismic station was operating in a stable manner with low background noise. Consequently, high-quality seismic data recorded at the Great Wall Seismic Station will be useful for relevant seismological research in Antarctica, such as earthquake location, noise analysis, velocity structure and dynamic characteristics. Although the seismic observation time was short, we observed not only teleseismic e-vents, but also local events and possible icequake records. The results from the single-station event location show that the distribution of 4 local earthquakes was parallel to the strike in the South Shetland Islands, and the focal depth became gradually deeper from northeast to southwest.



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