

Combined with the clinical manifestations and results of treatment,the etiology and treatment for deltoid contracture are discussed.Four children aged 2-11 years with deltoid contracture were studied.The prominent scapulae as the first sign was found at the age of 1.5 to 2 years and the deformity developed gradually.All but one had a history of injection in the shoulder area.Physical examination showed abnormal abduction and limited adduction of the shoulder joint.A cord-like structure could be palpated in the affected site of the deltoid.X-ray film showed subluxation of the humeral head in adduction position of the shoulder but normal in 90°abduction position.All cases were cured without any complication.After contracture tissues were released thoroughly,the humeral head may be reduced spontaneously.Early exercise should be practised and satisfactory results can he obtained.Deltoid contracture might be congenital.Early diagnosis and early treatment may prevent the secondary bone and joint complications.%结合小儿三角肌挛缩症的临床特点和治疗结果,探讨其病因及治疗方法.近5年来收治小儿三角肌挛缩症4例.均为男性,就诊时年龄2~11岁.4例均在1.5~2岁时发现两侧肩部不对称.逐渐加重.除1例外,肩部均无注射药物史.肩关节呈异常的外展姿势,内收受限.三角肌部可扪及硬性条索状物.X线表现:肩关节内收位时呈半脱位征.外展90°位时关节结构无异常.全组均经手术治愈.术中彻底切断松解纤维化的肌组织,盂肱关节半脱位在松解过程中可自行复位,不需特殊治疗.术后早期积极进行功能锻炼,效果满意.本病可能是先天性因素所致.早期诊断,及时治疗可避免继发性骨关节改变.



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