首页> 中文期刊> 《中华小儿外科杂志 》 >人胚胎消化道神经节细胞发育的研究



为了研究胎儿消化道神经节细胞的发育过程,探讨神经节细胞的发育与肠管发育之间的关系,共观察了新鲜胎儿标本22个,其中男11个,女11个.胎龄为3~10个月.剖取全部消化道,分段作大切片,然后行HE染色及特殊染色,部分标本作电镜观察.结果提示:胎龄越小,神经节细胞发育越不成熟.在胚胎3个月时,消化道各节段肌间及粘膜下层均未见明确的神经丛及神经节细胞,胚胎4个月时才偶见体积较小、发育不成熟的神经节细胞,5个月时肠壁增厚,神经节细胞发育,但仍不成熟,至6个月时.神经节细胞明显增多,并成簇状分布.研究提示神经节细胞的发育与肠管其他结构的发育是同步进行的.研究中未见到近端肠管神经节细胞较远端肠管神经节细胞提前发育,也未发现神经节细胞从前肠向后肠移行的过程.先天性巨结肠的成因不仅仅是胚胎发育第6~12周神经嵴内神经节细胞向肠管移行过程中胚胎发育停顿的结果,而且在胚胎发育的第12~16周,肠管神经节细胞发育成熟之前某些影响神经节细胞发育的局部因素也可导致无神经节细胞巨结肠的形成.%Twenty-two alimentary tract specimens from aborted human fetus of different gestation age were studied and the development of ganglionic cells from three months gestation to ten months was observed.Results showed as following:No ganglion cell can be found in three months gestation fetus.Ganglionic cells first appear in fourth months of gestation in Auerbach's plexus and Meissner's plexus.The ganglionic cells development is parallel to the general growth of the fetus.Never seen ganglionic cells growing from foregut to hindgut,and never seen difference of ganglionic cells between small intestien and colon.Therefore,it is believed not sound that the neuroblastic cells stop moving from neuroectoderm to gut in six to twelve weeks gestation in congenital aganglionosis,but it is also believed that some other causes in three or four months gestation might interfere the normal growth of the ganglionic cells.



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