首页> 中文期刊> 《中国神经精神疾病杂志 》 >轻度颅脑损伤患者的执行功能研究




Background Patients often suffer from a few complications of neurological and psychiatric problems after traumatic brain injury including damage of cognition, mental disorders and behavior problems. Damage of cognition is a common sequela in traumatic brain injury. Numerous researchers were focus on the cognition changes of patients with mild brain injury. But their conclusions are debatable. Executive function is one of the important components of cognition. In this study,we tried to find out the executive functional alterations of the patients with mild brain injury.Methods 159 patients with brain injury caused by transportation events and 68 normal controls were assessed executive function. The executive function tests included the block design in WAIS, the Stroop test, the verbal fluency and the modified version of Wisconsin card sorting test (M-WCST). These tests were applied to compare the scores of traumatic brain injury patients with various severities including mild, moderate, and severe and with different CT/MRI results.Results Patients with mild head injury got significantly lower scores on all tests than normal controls ( P<0.01 ). But there was no significant difference between mild and moderate brain injury group. Except Stroop test and WCST categories, patients with mild brain injury got significantly lower scores on all other tests than those with severe brain injury ( P <0.05). In the brain injury cases with damage signs on CT/MRI, there was no significant difference on scores of all tests except block design tests among brain injury patients with various severities. Among the brain injury cases without any damage signs on CT/MRI, there was no significant difference on scores of all tests among brain injury patients with various severities. The correlation analysis showed that scores of block design and verbal fluency test were negatively related to the severity of brain injury( P<0.05). The age and the education level of the patients had negative and positive correlation, respectively, to executive function.Conclusions The executive function of patients with mild brain injury was impaired when the medication was terminated. We should pay more attention to patients with mild brain injury by performing various tests for assessment of disability.%背景 颅脑损伤常遗留神经精神的损害,包括认知功能损害、精神病性障碍和行为问题等.认知功能损害是颅脑损伤后常见的后遗问题,其中执行功能是一个十分重要的维度.轻度颅脑损伤一直被认为是脑遭受外力打击后出现的暂时的脑功能障碍,无肉眼可见的器质性损害.近年来这一传统的观点受到质疑,目前国内外一些学者认为轻度颅脑损伤是一种弥漫性的脑损伤.关于轻度颅脑损伤患者的神经心理学研究是众多研究者争论的焦点,观点不一致.本研究对恢复期的颅脑损伤患者进行执行功能评定,目的是探讨轻度颅脑损伤患者的执行功能状况.方法 对159例因交通事故造成颅脑外伤的幸存者于损伤后3~6个月医疗终结后进行执行功能评定,并与68例正常人对照.病例组的入组标准为:①年龄:16~65岁;②文化程度:小学及以上文化,能理解执行功能测验的内容;③右利手;④有明确的脑损伤史;⑤检查前4周内未使用抗精神病药物或其他影响中枢神经系统功能的药物;⑥资料齐全;⑦自愿参加本研究.正常对照组的入组标准为:①年龄:16~65岁;②文化程度:小学及以上文化,能理解认知功能测验的内容;③右利手;④自愿参加本研究.排除标准为:①以往有脑损伤史、脑部疾患史、精神疾病史者;②精神发育迟滞者;③严重的躯体疾患者;④有药物、酒精或其他影响中枢神经系统功能的物质滥用史者;⑤色盲、色弱者;⑥对测验不合作或不能有效完成测验者.病例组分组根据颅脑损伤伤情评定的国际标准格拉斯哥昏迷计分法将病例组分成三组:轻度脑损伤组78例(49.1%):GCS评分15~13分,伤后昏迷时间<20 min;中度脑损伤组52例(32.7%):GCS评分12~9分,伤后昏迷时间20 min至6 h;重度脑损伤组29例(18.2%):GCS评分8~6分,伤后昏迷时间>6 h.测验包括韦氏智力测验中的木块拼图测验、STROOP测验、威斯康辛卡片分类测验-改良版(M-WCST)和词汇的流畅性测验,比较轻度颅脑损伤与中、重度颅脑损伤患者的测验成绩,以及CT/MRI有无阳性发现患者的测验成绩,分析与执行功能有关的因素.结果 轻度颅脑损伤患者所有的测验成绩均低于正常对照组,其差异达到显著性水平(P<0.01).而与中度损伤组的成绩比较则没有显著性差异(P>0.05).在轻度组与重度组的比较中,除STROOP测验和WCST的分类个数外,其余测验成绩均存在显著性差异(P<0.05).CT/MRI结果为阳性的病例中,不同脑损伤程度组间的执行功能检测成绩除木块拼图测验外均不具有显著性差异;CT/MRI结果为阴性的病例中,结果显示不同脑损伤程度组间的执行功能测验成绩没有显著性差异(P>0.05).相关分析显示木块拼图和词汇流畅性两个测验成绩与脑损伤程度呈负相关(P<0.05).年龄和执行功能呈负相关,受教育程度与执行功能呈正相关.结论 轻度颅脑损伤患者在医疗终结时仍然存在执行功能损害.我们在伤残评定中应对轻度颅脑损伤患者予以重视,同时要注意综合多方面的检测结果考虑.



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