首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生监督杂志》 >论卫生监督行政管理相对人的内涵与分类




Objective To explore the connotation and category of the health inspection administrative counterpart. Methods Literature review, brainstorming and case interview were applied in this study, we introduced the theory of admin⁃istrative counterpart, presented and summarized the concept of health inspection administrative counterparts connection and category. Results Health inspection administrative counterpart is the opposite of the health inspection subject, includ⁃ing its citizen, person created by law and other organizations, which could be divided into individual and organization ac⁃cording to its form, the latter could be classified unitary type or compound type. The health inspection administrative coun⁃terpart also can be classified as different types according to a series of laws and regulations. Conclusion Study on health in⁃spection administrative counterpart is a fundamental research of health inspection, which is also the precondition of the re⁃search of the health supervision and inspection coverage rate. So, it has a great value for the health inspection theory and practice.%目的:探讨卫生监督行政管理相对人的内涵与分类。方法采用文献法、头脑风暴法和个案访谈法,引入行政法学中行政相对人理论,归纳、概括卫生监督行政管理相对人的基本内涵与类型。结果卫生监督行政管理相对人指与卫生监督行政主体相对应的特定公民、法人或其他组织。卫生监督行政管理相对人按形态可分为个体和组织两种类型,后者按其内部复杂程度又可分为单一相对人和复合相对人;依据不同法律法规可将其分为不同专业卫生监督行政管理相对人。结论卫生监督行政管理相对人研究是卫生监督领域基础研究内容之一,也是探究卫生监督检查覆盖率的必要前提,在理论和实践上都具有重要价值和意义。



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