首页> 中文期刊> 《中国地球化学学报:英文版》 >Metallogenetic Characteristics of an Unique Uranium-Tungsten Mineralization Zone

Metallogenetic Characteristics of an Unique Uranium-Tungsten Mineralization Zone



A polymetallic zone dominated by U-W mineralization was found in NortheastGuangxi. Distributed along the east contact zone of a complex granite mass, it extends forabout 100 km in length, with more than fifty deposits and prospects embraced. The depositsshow a wide range of genetic types, related to the granite, from magmatic (including peg-matite and skarn deposits) through hydrothermal mineralizations (hypo-, meso- and epither-mal) all the way to tin placers, constituting a very intact metallogenetic series of granites. Theepithermal U-W deposits are considered as a new type for their unique geological and geochemi-cal characters, such as the paragenesis of U and W and the large time gap (>40 Ma) betweenore and granite.




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