首页> 外文期刊>中国地球化学学报(英文版) >Endogenic Au-Ag polymetallic ore deposits and ore-bearing potentiality of strata

Endogenic Au-Ag polymetallic ore deposits and ore-bearing potentiality of strata


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The problem of ore-bearing potentiality of the strata involves metallogenic theory and ore-search orientation. Studies of the spatial distribution of endogenic Au-Ag polymetallic ore deposits in North Hebei indicated that the strata in which ore deposits occurred range in age from Paleozoic, Proterozoic to Mesozoic. In addition the ore deposits are characterized as being strata-bound in nature. The arise and establishment of "extracting" viewpoint may be attributed to the following three reasons: 1) influence by the idea of "ore-source bed"; 2) limitation of analytical techniques in the 1980s' (especially gold element); and 3) a small number of samples (sampling locations were mostly disturbed by mineralization). Studies have shown that ore-forming materials would most probably come from the deep interior of the Earth. Deep-seated ore-bearing materials including Au-Ag polymetals were brought to the shallow levels by way of mantle plume-mantle sub-plume-mantle branch structure multi-stage evolution, finally leading to the formation of ore deposits.
机译:地层的含矿潜力问题涉及成矿理论和找矿方向。冀北地区内生金银多金属矿床的空间分布研究表明,矿床发生的地层年龄范围为古生代,元古代到中生代。另外,矿床的特征是自然界约束的。 “提取”观点的产生和确立可能归因于以下三个原因:1)受“矿床”思想影响。 2)分析技术在1980年代的局限性(尤其是金元素); 3)少量样品(采样位置主要受矿化影响)。研究表明,成矿物质很可能来自地球深处。通过地幔柱-幔幔-亚浮层-幔幔分支结构的多阶段演化将包括金银多金属的深层含矿物质带到了浅层,最终导致了矿床的形成。




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