首页> 中文期刊> 《中国生物医学工程学报:英文版》 >Evaluation of the cell cytotoxity of biomaterials in vitro by using the ^( 125)I-UdR-release-test

Evaluation of the cell cytotoxity of biomaterials in vitro by using the ^( 125)I-UdR-release-test



The ~ 125 I-UdR-release method is used for evaluation of the cytotoxity of biomaterials. In this method, K562 cells cultured in suspending were used to make a direct contact with materials. The cytotoxity of 14 kinds of biomaterials has been evaluated using this method. In comparing with other experimental methods for the evaluation of cell cytotoxity, this method shows advantages of the celerity, the simplicity, the objective, the accuracy and the quantitative.




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