首页> 中文期刊> 《中国农业气象》 >水稻同化物转运及其对逆境胁迫响应的机理




Carbon assimilation and distribution in source, sink and stream played critical roles in the grain yield and quality of crops, which were always adversely affected by abiotic stress in these years. It has been reported that extreme heat stress occurred at the reproductive stage significantly decreased the grain yield and quality of rice, and thus threaten the food security. Recent studies about the mechanism underlying the damages on the grain yield and quality of rice caused by abiotic stresses focused on that, (1) The assimilation was loaded in leaf by the apoplasmic and symplasmic pathway, and then transported to grains via the vascular bundles of leaf, stem, rachis branch and pedicel relied on the pressure generated by source and sink. (2) The carbohydrates loading, transport and unloading in phloem of rice may be affected by the abiotic stress, such as heat stress, cold stress, drought stress and nutrient deficiency significantly, which inhibited the assimilates transport, finally decreased the grain yield and quality of rice. (3) As the limitation on research methods and techniques, the previous results about the negative effects on the assimilation transport of plants under abiotic stress were little. Development and application of new technology would provide new opportunity for the further study in these fields.%产量形成是"源库流"协调统一的过程,但由于极端天气频发,使得水稻生长环境恶化,源库关系严重失调,对产量的形成造成不利影响.例如水稻开花结实期遭遇极端高温将严重抑制物质转运,导致籽粒充实度下降,产量降低,品质变劣.近年来,有关水稻同化物转运和分配机理及其对逆境胁迫的响应机制方面的研究,主要形成了以下主要观点:(1)同化物在叶片主要通过质外体与共质体途径装载,然后利用"源"端和"库"端压力梯度,通过叶、茎、穗轴、枝梗和小穗轴等维管系统向颖果输送,于籽粒背部维管束卸载,形成籽粒.(2)同化物装载、运输及卸载中任意一个环节遇到高温、低温、干旱及氮素缺乏等逆境均可能导致同化物转运受阻,造成"流"的不畅,阻碍光合产物及其它营养物质进入籽粒,影响稻米产量及品质.(3)但由于研究手段及技术所限,目前有关逆境胁迫对同化物在韧皮部的装载、运输及卸载影响的研究相对较少,新技术的开发应用可为该研究领域提供新的发展机遇.



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