首页> 中文期刊>中国高等学校学术文摘·法学 >文化产品、版权保护与贸易规则




Cultural products are commodities with cultural contents, which are neither equivalent to cultural relics nor ordinary articles. Such dual natures bring forth divergences in trade policy, mandating the generality and particularity of trade rules. The WTO rules lay more emphases on free trade while the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization put more stress on the free exchange and diversity of cultures. Nations enjoy cultural sovereignty over their cultural policies and administrative measures. The rules of intellectual property rights also influence trade in cultural products. To develop trade in cultural products, science and technologies shall be employed to create diversified and competitive products of distinct cultural values.%文化产品是含有文化内容的商品,既不等同于文物,也不等同于一般商品.这一双重性质引起了贸易政策上的分歧,决定了贸易规则的一般性与特殊性.世界贸易组织规则更强调贸易自由性,而联合国教科文组织规则更强调文化的自由交流与多样性,各国对文化政策和管理措施享有文化主权.知识产权规则也规范着文化产品的贸易,发展文化产品贸易应利用科学技术创造出反映文化价值多样性的具有竞争力的产品.



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