首页> 中文期刊>高技术通讯 >适合于HC-MAC协议的感知信道动态预留算法




针对基于HC-MAC协议的认知无线电系统提出了一种感知信道动态预留算法,以解决系统用户较多时可用频谱不能被充分利用的问题.该算法通过在感知开始前为认知用户预留一些信道,使得认知用户可以同时感知信道,从而减少了认知用户等待感知可用信道的时间,提高了频谱利用率.为了使该算法更具实用性,根据实时类业务和尽力服务类业务两类常见业务的不同特点,分别设计了相应的基于用户满意度的感知信道动态预留算法.仿真结果表明,上述算法在满足不同业务类型用户需求的同时提高了频谱利用率.%This paper proposes a dynamic channel reservation algorithm for a cognitive radio (CR) system based on the hardware-constrained (CH) MAC (HC-MAC) protocol to resolve the problem that available spectra cannot be fully utilized when the system's user number is larger. When using the algorithm, CR users can simultaneously sense channels by reserving some channels before spectrum sensing, thus the time for CR users to wait sensing channels is reduced and the speetrum efficiency is improved. To make it more practical, the channel reservation algorithm based on user satisfaction was designed by considering the different characteristics of two kinds of typical service, the real-time service and best-ef-fort service, respectively. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm can not only satisfy users' requirements, but also improve the spectrum efficiency.



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