首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生资源》 >门诊患者对区域医疗联合体的认知与期望研究




目的:从服务利用方的角度出发,调查了解患者对医联体的知晓程度、参与意愿和期望以及他们对社区首诊的评价,以期为卫生行政部门提供决策依据。方法:采用方便抽样的方法对某社区卫生服务中心门诊患者进行问卷调查和深入访谈。结果:总共调查306人,以中老年人为主;患者对医联体的了解程度较低,但78.8%的人表示愿意参加医联体;多数受访者接受医联体“分层就医、有序医疗”的理念,迫切期望缓解“看病难、看病贵”的问题;86.9%的受访者表示“看病时会首选社区卫生服务中心”,社区首诊已被患者,尤其是老年人群逐渐接受。结论:进一步推进医联体改革需要创新服务模式,以服务升级带动观念升级;加大宣传力度,营造良好舆论氛围;实施惠民政策,吸引老年人群签约医联体;加强基层建设,满足居民基本医疗需求。%Objective:To investigate the awareness,willingness,attitude,and expectation of patients on regional medical association from the perspective of service users for reference of decision-making. Methods:Respondents of the research were selected by convenience sampling and questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews were developed. Results:A total of 306 out-patients were surveyed,most of whom were middle-aged and elderly people. Most respondents had never heard of regional medical association,however,78.8%would like to accept it. The majority of the respondents backed up the design ideas that patients should hierarchically and orderly pay visits to hospitals when they needed to see a doctor,and they were eager for protection from the social problem of“high expense and difficulties in getting medical care”. A total of 86.9% of the respondents preferred choosing community health service firstly once they went to see a doctor,and most of them had a good opinion of community health services centers. Conclusion:It was suggested to extend development of innovative model in medical services and prompt a change of people’s health concept and behavior by providing better services. It was also suggested to publicize regional medical association and create a positive social atmosphere. Applying some benefit policies to expand the number of contracts and improving the community-level medical and health care system to meet the residents’ basic medical needs were also suggested.



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