首页> 中文期刊>中国全科医学 >贝伐单抗在结直肠癌靶向治疗中的研究进展



靶向治疗是晚期肿瘤治疗的研究热点.其中,靶向肿瘤血管生成的抗血管生成治疗是晚期结直肠癌重要的治疗策略.贝伐单抗是首个被美国食品和药品管理局(FDA)批准的抗血管生成的靶向药物.临床研究表明,贝伐单抗联合化疗在晚期结直肠癌的一线和二线治疗中,均能提高治疗有效率及患者的生存期.其不良反应主要为高血压、蛋白尿、血栓形成、出血.晚期结直肠癌患者应用贝伐单抗安全,不良反应轻,耐受性好.%Targeted therapy is among the hot spots of researches concerning advanced cancer treatment. Antiangiogen-ic treatment is an important treatment strategy of advanced colorectal cancer. Bevacizumab is the first FDA - approved anti - an-giogenesis targeted drugs. Clinical studies have shown that bevacizumab combined with chemotherapy can elevate the effective rate and prolong the survival of the patients in both first - line and second - line therapy of advanced colorectal cancer. The main side effects of bevacizumab include hypertension , proteinuria, thrombosis, and bleeding. Bevacizumab is safe and well tolerated in patients with none of the underlying diseases mentioned above with minor adverse reactions.



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