首页> 外文期刊>中国周刊:英文版 >’We will launch a grand five-year expansion plan in China’——Francesco Trapani,CEO of Bvlgari

’We will launch a grand five-year expansion plan in China’——Francesco Trapani,CEO of Bvlgari

机译:“我们将在中国的中国盛大五年扩张计划 - Bvlgari首席执行官Francesco Trapani

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正Bvlgari is one of the largest listed top brand companies in Italy. In the past 100 years or more, Bvlgari has evolved into a luxury product empire dealing in jewelry, watches, perfume, leatherwear as well as five-star hotels and other luxury products. Francesco Trapani, the 48-year-old CEO of Bvlgari, joined the family-run jewelry firm in 1984 and pushed forward the diversification of its products. Up to now, Bvlgari has set up 10 franchised stores in China (Hong Kong and Taiwan included) and will add two more by the end of the year.
机译:<正>宝格丽是意大利最大的上市顶级品牌公司之一。在过去的一百多年中,宝格丽已经发展成为一个奢侈品王国,经营珠宝,手表,香水,皮革制品以及五星级酒店和其他奢侈品。宝格丽现年48岁的首席执行官弗朗切斯科·特拉帕尼(Francesco Trapani)于1984年加入家族经营的珠宝公司,并推动其产品多样化。截至目前,宝格丽已在中国大陆(包括香港和台湾)开设了10家专营店,并将在年底之前再增加两家。




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