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正Schedule Voyages of Zheng He 1405-1433 A group of statues were unearthed in Changle County, Fujlan Province on 22nd July, 1992. The statue in the middle of about 100 cm in height is Zheng He.Who’s Zheng He The greatest seafarer in China’s history was raised in the mountainous heart of Asia, several weeks’ travel from the closest port. More improbable yet, Zheng was not even Chinese he was by origin a Central Asian Muslim. Born Ma He, the son of a rural official in the Mongol province of Yunnan, he had been taken captive as an invading Chinese army overthrew the Mongols in 1382. Ritually castrated, he was trained as an imperial eunuch and assigned to the court of Zhu Di, the bellicose Prince of Yan.
机译:<正>郑和的日程航行1405-1433 1992年7月22日,在富吉兰省长乐县出土了一组雕像。郑和的雕像大约高100厘米。郑和是最大的海员。中国的历史是在亚洲多山的山区兴起的,距最近的港口仅几周路程。更不可能的是,郑甚至不是中国人,他原本是中亚穆斯林。马赫出生于云南蒙古省一位农村官员的儿子,在1382年被入侵的中国军队推翻了蒙古人,被俘虏。他被cast割,被训练为太监,并分配给朱朝廷。 ,,好斗的阎王。




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