首页> 中文期刊> 《中国实用医药 》 >关于中西医结合积极干预先兆流产120例临床思考




先兆流产的原因很多,中医理论认为有胎元、母体两方面因素,西医理论认为胚胎方面为受精卵先天异常、缺陷、绒毛退变,母体方面为内分泌功能异常、免疫功能异常、生殖器官疾病、环境因素以及其他不明原因等多种因素造成。总结5年来本院门诊120例先兆流产的治疗经验,认为早期干预积极进行中西医结合治疗是防治流产发生的有效方法,在预防习惯性流产和不育症发生中有着重要意义。%Many reasons may cause the threatened miscarriage. The traditional Chinese medicine theory holds the idea that the embryo and maternity are the two most important factors. Yet according to the western medicine theory, it thinks the congenital abnormalities of the embryonic stage and the chorionic villi degeneration may lead to the threatened miscarriage. Besides, the endocrine and immune disorders of the maternity, the female genital disease, bad habits, traumatic stimuli and some other environmental factors may also increase the risk of the threatened miscarriage. Based on 120 preventing miscarriage treatments happened in our out-patient clinic within five years, this paper believe that the risk of threatened miscarriage could be effectively reduced by early active treatment with the integration of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine. And it also plays a great role in preventing the habitual abortion and infertility.



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