首页> 中文期刊>塑料工业 >增塑剂对氯化聚乙烯防水卷材增塑效果的研究




分析了几种增塑剂[邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)、邻苯二甲酸二辛酯(DOP)、邻苯二甲酸二异癸酯(DIDP)、癸二酸二辛酯(DOS)、偏苯三甲酸三辛酯(TOTM)以及氯化石蜡等]对氯化聚乙烯(CPE)防水卷材的增塑机理.在保持其他条件不变的前提下,选取增塑剂的份数为25份,并在此基础上从力学性能、耐温性能、流变性能以及微观结构四个方面比较各种增塑剂与CPE树脂的相容性,从而比较它们的增塑效果.结果表明:DSC以及电镜结果显示邻苯类增塑剂效果明显优于其他类型增塑剂;其中DOP为主增塑剂的体系综合性能最好;DOS作为主增塑剂时具有良好的耐低温析出性;DIDP作为主增塑剂时具有耐高温析出性;氯化石蜡可作为辅助增塑剂;以上增塑剂可根据各自特点复配使用.%The plasticizing mechanism of several plasticizers (DBP, DOP, DIDP, DOS, TOTM and chlorinated paraffin wax, etc,) to the chlorinated polyethylene (CPE) waterproofing materials was studied. Keeping other conditions under the same basis, the test selected the number of copies of plasticizer as 25. On this basis test compared the compatibility of these plasticizers and the CPE resin from mechanical properties, heat resistance, rheological properties and microstructure of the four aspects, inorder to compare the difference of plasticizing effect. DSC and SEM showed that the plastic effect of phthalic acid ester plasticizer was much better than other types of plasticizer, and the plastic effect of DOP was the best. When DOS was as the main plasticizer it can provide the material better low temperature resistance ability. If DIDP was as the main plasticizer it can provide the material better high temperature resistance ability. Chlorinated paraffin wax cannot be used as main plasticizer but as auxiliary plasticizer. These plasticizers can be used together according to their characteristics.



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