首页> 中文期刊>中国矿业 >乌达煤田煤层自燃动态变化和产生原因




通过对乌达煤田煤火燃烧历史和燃烧面积的动态变化分析,划分出了煤火产生和治理的四个阶段:1961~1980年,煤炭开采遗留煤井下自燃为主阶段;1980~2006年,小煤窑滥采和忽视煤火治理导致煤火蔓延阶段;2006~2009年,煤火不恰当治理导致再生煤火,煤火更加扩张阶段,和2009年至目前的再次煤火治理取得突破性进展的阶段.在此基础上,探讨了煤火产生的四大原因;开采遗留煤和煤柱煤自然氧化,瓦斯爆炸着火,小煤窑开采引发煤火和煤火治理期发生再生煤火.这一研究对乌达煤田的煤火治理及其对其他矿区的火灾治理提供了参考或借鉴.%Through the dynamic change of the analysis of Wuda coalfield coal fire burning history and burned area,divided into the coal fire produce and governance of the four stages:From 1961 to 1980,coal mining legacy of coal underground spontaneous combustion is the most mainly;From 1980 to 2006,small coal mines excessive exploitation and neglect coal fire governance, lead to coal fire spread; From 2006 to 2009,not appropriate coal fire governance lead to renewable coal fire,coal fire more expansion;From 2009 to now,coal fire governance has obtained the breakthrough. Based on this, this paper discusses four reasons of the coal fire produce: mining legacy of coal and coal pillar natural oxidation, gas explosion fire, small coal mines coal fire and coal fire governance period happen coal fire regeneration. The research provide reference for Wuda coalfield coal fire governance and its other mining area the fire governance.



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