首页> 中文期刊>中国医药导报 >以高危儿网络干预数据库为平台促进医教结合




随着现代医学进步,高危儿存活率大幅提高,但发育偏离以及后遗症明显高于正常儿童.早期干预能有效纠正发育偏离和减轻后遗症.医教结合是目前公认的最佳干预模式,但如何将医疗、教育、康复等机构紧密联系在一起,一直没有较好的平台.宝山区妇幼保健所、早教中心、康复医院联合开发设计了高危儿网络干预数据库,实现了医教结合的网络化、信息化.该数据库包括高危儿基本信息、保健干预信息、教育干预信息、康复干预信息等.通过数据库,各干预方能及时获知高危儿信息,并在第一时间启动干预机制,使高危儿能得到及时、全面的干预,达到干预效果最优化.%High- risk children's survive rate has increased dramatically with the development of modem medicine, but the incidence of delayed development and sequelae is much higher than in normal children. Early intervention can effectively reduce the incidence of delayed development and sequelae. Education combined with medical treatment is regarded as the best way of intervention, but we did not have a platform to closely connect the medical facilities, education institutions, and rehabilitation centers together in the past. Baoshan maternal and child care service center, early education center, and Jin-hui rehabilitation hospital developed an information database, which include the basic information of the high-risk children, the multidisciplinary intervention records from maternal and child care service center, early education center, and rehabilitation hospital. Each side can access the database through internet and get the information timely, so the high-risk children can get the best intervention promptly and comprehensively.



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