首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >医学院校试剂耗材信息化管理平台的构建与实践




目的:基于试剂耗材信息化管理平台的构建与实践,实现医学院校试剂耗材信息化管理水平的提升。方法:以规范化管理为导向,以高效服务为宗旨,以信息技术手段为依托,建设信息化的管理平台,规范试剂耗材的采购、供应与报销。结果:试剂耗材信息化管理平台改变了其粗放式管理的传统做法,极大提高了科研教学的工作效率和科研经费的使用经济效率。结论:试剂耗材信息化管理平台加强了试剂耗材管理的信息化、规范化及专业化,建立了科学完善的管理体制,提升了服务保障功能。%Objective:To achieve greatly promote the level of our reagent and consumables management.Methods: To build information management platform in order to normalize reagent and consumables procurement, supply and reimbursement, which have been taking standardized management as to lead to, taking efficient service as an aim, and taking information technique means as the basis.Results: Reagent and consumables information management platform has set up to change its traditional extensive management, and greatly improve the efficiency of scientific research as well as the usage efficiency and economic benefit on funds in scientific research. Conclusion: Reagent and consumables information management platform strengthened the management with informatization, standardization, specialization and high-efficiency, meanwhile established a scientific and perfect management system and enhanced the service function.



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