首页> 中文期刊>中国医学装备 >数字化医学影像学教学模式与传统模式的比较研究




目的:通过医学影像信息系统结合传统模式在医学影像学专业学生临床教学模式中的应用,探讨数字化趋势下医学影像教学的新模式,使医学影像教学满足现代医学影像学学科发展与临床工作的需要。方法:选取南京医科大学医学影像学专业大三年级学生300名,按照随机数表法将其分为对照组和观察组,每组150名。对照组学生采用传统授课方式,观察组学生采用传统授课模式结合医学影像信息系统进行授课,对比分析两组学习成绩、教学效果评价及满意度。结果:观察组学生对影像资料的病例分析、典型征象辨认及疾病判断各项评分均较对照组具有优势,且观察组学生对教学方式新颖度、知识理解程度、知识广度、课程内容印象性以及学习积极性均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(t=196.620,t=31.365,t=6.283,t=38.509, t=21.394;P<0.05);观察组学生对教学效果满意率为96.00%,高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(x2=20.369,P<0.05)。结论:数字化医学影像信息系统结合传统授课模式的教学方法,对提高影像学的教学质量及学生的临床实践能力具有重要作用,值得在临床医学教学中推广并借鉴。%Objective: Through the medical image information system combined with the traditional model in the application of medical imaging specialty students teaching mode, to explore teaching new mode under the trend of digital medical imaging, to meet the needs of the modern medical imaging in clinical work and to provide a reliable guarantee. Methods:300 students majoring in the third grade from January 2012 to May 2015 in medical imaging of Nanjing Medical University were taken as the research object, and randomly divided into control group and observation group: the students of control group using traditional teaching methods, and the students of observation group using traditional teaching mode of the combination of medical imaging information system for teaching and comparison. Results:The observation group students on imaging data of case analysis, identification and judgment of the typical signs of disease were compared with the control group and the observation group has the advantage of students’ learning enthusiasm, knowledge understanding, breadth of knowledge, curriculum content, teaching methods of novel impression satisfaction degree of each teaching effect and teaching efficiency, higher than the control group. The differences were statistically significant. Conclusion:The medical imaging information system combined with the traditional teaching mode can improve the teaching quality of medical imaging and the clinical practice ability of students. It is worth promoting and applying in clinical teaching.



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