首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >妇产科急腹症临床治疗观察




Objective To observe the obstetrics and gynecology clinical treatment method and effect. Methods a retrospective analysis of 2011 January 2012 year in June to visit the hospital obstetrics and gynecology acute abdomen patients in 68 cases of patients with clinical data of cases are summarized. Results 68 cases of acute abdomen patients with ectopic pregnancy in 38 cases of rupture of corpus luteum of patients,11 cases,7 cases of pelvic inflammatory disease,tubal inflammation in patients with 6 cases,6 cases of patients with ovarian cysts. among them,7 cases of acute pelvic inflammatory disease were treated conservatively,the remaining patients were treated with conservative treatment operation assistant. Classified treatment,total effective rate was 85%. The average hospital stay was 15 days. Conclusion gynecological acute abdomen complicated etiology,clinical manifestations,effective,targeted therapeutic interventions can improve the treatment effect of gynecological acute abdomen.%  目的 观察妇产科急腹症临床治疗方法及效果.方法 回顾性分析2011年1月—2012年6月来该院就诊的妇产科急腹症患者68例患者的临床病例资料进行归纳和总结.结果 68例急腹症患者中异位妊娠患者有38例,黄体破裂患者有11例,盆腔炎患者有7例,输卵管炎患者有6例,卵巢囊肿患者有6例.其中,7例急性盆腔炎进行保守治疗,其余患者进行手术治疗并辅助保守治疗.经分类治疗后,总体有效率达85%.平均住院天数为15 d.结论 妇产科急腹症的病因复杂、临床表现多样,有效、针对性的治疗措施可提高妇产科急腹症的治疗效果.



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