首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >孕前优生健康检查模式的探索与思考




With the progress and development of China's economy and the level of our society, the main work of family planning is to maintain fertility levels, population issues and promote social development, and improve the quality of the population of newborns is the planning work and social progress of priority. Through the establishment of a good pre-preg-nancy health check, with every occurrence of school-age couples to participate in the health examination, to reduce birth defects. This paper describes the role and significance of pre-pregnancy health check, analyzed the status quo in the New pre-pregnancy health check of eugenics, study and improve models and methods of pre-pregnancy health checks, improving the quality of inspections.%新时期随着我国经济水平的发展以及我国社会的进步,我国人口计生的主要工作就是维持生育水平,解决人口问题,促进社会的发展,而提高新生儿的人口素质是我国计生工作和社会进步的重中之重.通过建立良好的孕前优生健康检查体系,让每一对适龄夫妇参与到健康检查中,减少出生缺陷的发生.该文阐述了孕前优生健康检查的作用与意义,分析新时期孕前优生健康检查的现状,研究完善我国孕前优生健康检查的模式和方法,提高检查的质量.



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