首页> 中文期刊> 《中国卫生产业》 >探析提高检验工作质量的技术管理方法




医学检验工作是通过仪器和技术的使用获得临床数据,为医学诊断提供依据,以提高治疗的准确性。新技术、新设备下的医学检验数据应具有真实性、合理性,从而有效的解决医学临床急诊和门诊相关问题。目前的检验科管理中存在一定的问题,如人员流动性大、临床检验科的受重视程度低、检验人员素质不高等问题。各大医院的检查项目素质不一,甚至同一患者在不同的医院和不同的医生检验下其结果也不尽相同。检验质量控制就是通过不同的措施,将检验结果或者数据控制在一定的范围之内,减少检验误差。另外,基层医院对于检验技术的保护不准确,使工作人员的理论基础薄弱,检验科人员的专业素质不强,一些甚至没有经过系统的训练,更别提长期的实践。医院要通过多种手段来确保临床检验的可信度,提高检验者的自身修养,以便于更好地反映被检对象的真实情况。在医学检验结果的保证过程中,检验人员的素质始终应是医院强调的重点,只有本着科学、严禁的态度才能确保检验的准确性。文章侧重于从检验工作存在的问题及原因角度出发,在肯定检验工作质量技术管理重要性的前提下阐述了医学检验工作管理工作的优化,以提高临床检验的质量,保证患者治疗的准确性。%Medical test work obtains clinical data by using the instrument and technology and provides basis for medical diagnosis in order to improve the treatment accuracy. The medical test data under the new technology and equipment should be true and rational thus effectively solving the medical clinical emergency and outpatient relevant problems, at present, the management in the department of clinical laboratory has a certain problems, such as the high turnover, low attention of the department of clinical laboratory and low quality of test personnel. The examination item qualities of various hospitals were different, even the test results of the same patient in different hospitals and different doctors were different, the test quality control department should control the test results or data in a certain range by different measures in order to test errors, in addition, the inaccurate protection of test technology in primary hospitals lead to weak theoretic basis of work personnel, low professional quality of personnel in the department of clinical laboratory and even without systematical training, let alone long-term practice. The hospital should ensure the clinical test reliability by multiple means and improve the culture of tester in order to better reflect the real situation of tested objects. The quality of test personnel should be paid attention to all the time in the course of ensuring the medical test results, only the scientific and rigorous attitude can ensure the test accuracy. The paper elaborates the optimization of medical test management work in the condition of recognizing the impor-tance of test quality technical management work in order to improve the quality of clinical test and ensure the treatment ac-curacy of patients starting from the problems in the test work and causes.



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