首页> 中文期刊>中国卫生产业 >重庆市九龙坡区2011-2015年医疗机构消毒灭菌效果监测分析




Objective To know the sterilization effect of medical institutions in jiulongpo district in Chongqing and study the issues in the sterilization and provide scientific basis for controlling and preventing the occurrence and spread of hospi-tal infection. Methods The sterilization effect of medical institutions in jiulongpo district in Chongqing was monitored by the field sampling examination method according to the disinfection technical guidelines and Hygienic standard for disinfection in hospitals in the Ministry of Health, and the sterilization monitoring data were analyzed. Results 2 327 pieces of samples were monitored in 4 years, and 2 168 samples were qualified, and total qualified rate was 93.17%, and the monitoring quali-fied rates in 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2015 were respectively 98.64%,96.70%,65.83% and 90.89%, and the disinfection qual-ified rate in various years showed fluctuation, and the difference had statistical significance(P<0.05), and in different moni-toring items, the qualified rate of object surface, endoscope, haemodialysis reverse osmosis water and hospital sewage test was the highest, and all of them were 100.00%, and the qualified rate of disinfectant, sterilized instruments, disposable medical articles, hands of medical staff and room air was respectively 98.64%, 98.51%, 95.18%, 92.54% and 84.93%. Conclusion The total quality of sterilization of medical institutions in jiulongpo district in Chongqing from 2011 to 2015 is good, but the qualified rate of room air and hands of medical staff is low, and we still need to enhance the supervision and management of disinfection key link.%目的:了解重庆市九龙坡区医疗机构的消毒灭菌效果,探讨消毒灭菌中存在的问题,为控制和预防院内感染的发生和传播提供科学依据。方法根据卫生部《消毒技术规范》和《医院消毒卫生标准》,采用现场采样检测方法对重庆市九龙坡区医疗机构消毒效果进监测,并对消毒监测资料进行分析。结果4年共监测样品2327件,合格2168件,总体合格率93.17%。2011、2012、2013、2015年监测合格率分别为98.64%,96.70%,65.83%,90.89%,各年度消毒合格率呈现波动,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。不同监测项目中,物体表面、内窥镜、血液透析用反渗水、医院污水检测合格率最高,均为100.00%;使用中消毒剂合格率次之,为98.64%,灭菌器械合格率为98.51%,一次性医疗用品合格率为95.18%,医护人员手合格率为92.54%,室内空气合格率最低,为84.93%。结论重庆市九龙坡区2011-2015年医疗机构消毒灭菌整体质量较好,但室内空气和医护人员手合格率较低,仍需加强消毒重点环节的监督与管理。



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