首页> 中文期刊> 《中国林业经济》 >千岛湖区生态公益林建设和保护实践思考




Introduced organization guarantee and management sy~tc., o--- Thousand-isle Lake area operated by Xinanjiang development controlling corporation" Chunan County Zhejiang province. Summarized 9 measures such as forest ranger team development, control and protection propaganda, stand conversion, forest fire prevention and control, regulate harvesting, attack destructive activity, strengthen pests and disease monitoring, make effective use of compensation fund. Analyzed ecological forest' s multiple efficiencies in economy, society and ecology, such as promote resource increase, improve stand structure, protect germ plasma resource, enhance capability of carbon emission reduction, conserve water sources, preserve water quality, promote Thousand-isle Lake tourism blossom, and ensure xinanjiang power station industry generating electricity regularly and so on. Indicated existing problems of ecological forests management, compensation and monitoring. Then put forward relevant measures.%介绍了浙江省淳安县新安江开发总公司经营的千岛湖区生态公益林组织保障和管理体系建设情况;总结了护林员队伍组建、管护宣传、林分改造、森林消防与防火、控制采伐、打击破坏活动、加强病虫害监测、用好补偿资金等九大举措;分析了生态公益林在促进资源增长、改善林分结构、保护种质资源、提高固碳减排能力、涵养水源、保护水质、促进千岛湖旅游健康发展、保障新安江电站工业正常发电等多种经济、社会和生态综合效能;指出了生态公益林实践中经营与补偿、监测等方面存在的问题,提出了相应的对策。



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