首页> 中文期刊>中国数字医学 >精神病专科医院患者生活费管理系统的设计与应用




Most patients' family members can't accompany them in the Psychiatric Hospital. The patients often are in hospital for a long time and the hospital is responsible for their daily life and manages the patients' expenses separately. However, the traditional manual management mode not only is inefficient and workload but can' t satisfied with the need of hospital in terms of accuracy, timeliness and transparency. Therefore, it is urgent to achieve timely and efficient information management. In this research, Information Management System of Patient's Living Expenses is developed independently based on the HIS to apply in managing the patients' living expenses. The application of the system optimizes the operation process, improves work efficiency, enhances the transparency of their charges, reduces the workload of medical staff and logistical crew and ensures the hospital fine Logistics Management.%精神病专科医院的患者绝大部分都没有家属陪护,并且具有长期住院的特点,其饮食服务和日常生活均交由医院统一负责提供,而医院则需要对此类患者的生活费实行单独管理。然而采用传统的手工管理模式工作量大、效率低,关键是在准确度、及时性、透明度等多方面都无法满足医院的管理需求,因此实现及时高效的信息化管理就成为当务之急。生活费管理系统就是在医院HIS基础上自主研发一套信息系统,主要用于精神病患者住院期间生活费的管理。该系统的应用优化了操作流程,提高了工作效率,增强了收费透明度,减轻了医护人员及后勤保障人员的工作量,为医院实施后勤精细化管理提供了有力保障。



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