首页> 中文期刊> 《化工进展》 >纳米有序多孔阳极氧化铝制备方法的研究进展




多孔阳极氧化铝(PAA)模板以六角形元胞紧密排列,孔径大小可调,且化学稳定性好,近年来在催化、传感、过滤和仿生等领域受到了越来越多的关注.PAA 模板的制备一直以来都是研究的热点,因为模板的结构和性质直接影响其应用的效果.本文在简要介绍了自组织有序多孔阳极氧化铝的特点及影响因素的基础上,较为全面地综述了制备自组织PAA模板不同方法的研究进展,包括温和阳极氧化法、强烈阳极氧化法、脉冲式阳极氧化法和周期性阳极氧化法.具体分析了不同阳极氧化方法的特点以及各自得到的氧化铝模板不同的特点和应用范围,说明了氧化电压、氧化温度和电解液种类在制备PAA模板时对其孔洞尺寸的重要作用,最后对阳极氧化铝膜的发展前景进行了展望.%Porous anodic aluminum (PAA) oxide has attracted more and more attention in the fields of catalysis,sensing,filtering and bionic due to their excellent chemical stabilities,hexagonal channel array architecture and controllable pore size. The structure and quality of PAA templates directly affect the results of applications,so the preparation of PAA template has always been a hot research focus. After a brief introduction to the features of self-ordered PAA,this work presents a comprehensive review on the research progress of preparation methods for PAA,including mild anodization method, hard anodization method,plus anodization method and cyclic anodization method. The features of different methods and corresponding PAA templates are analyzed. The importance of anodizing potential,anodizing temperature and type of electrolyte which determine the pore modulation of PAA are demonstrated. Finally,the development prospects of PAA membranes are proposed.



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