首页> 中文期刊> 《化工进展》 >带经济成本函数的区间预测控制




将区间预测控制和经济模型预测控制的目标函数结合,得到满足控制要求且经济效益更好的新型控制策略.实际生产中,特别是多变量耦合的复杂过程,某些被控变量只需满足某特定区间即可,而经济模型预测控制以过程经济或过程成本为目标函数,该目标函数使系统以过程的经济效益最大化为控制目标.因此本文提出一种将经济成本函数融入到区间预测控制的方法,利用预测时域分割的方法将经济成本项和区间控制项融合成一个目标函数的前后两个部分,调节时域分割点和权重系数能够兼顾区间控制和过程的经济性能.与传统形式的区间预测控制和经济模型预测控制相比,时域分割策略有更好的经济性能和响应速度.最后对连续搅拌釜反应器进行仿真实验,对比分析各个参数对控制效果的影响以及3种控制策略的性能,结果表明了时域分割策略的有效性.%A novel strategy has been proposed for integrating zone model predictive control(Zone MPC)and economic model predictive control(EMPC). Zone MPC is a kind of model predictive control that the control objective can be seen as a target set instead of a target point,which is used to account for the lack of degrees of freedom. In EMPC,the economic criterion is used as the stage cost, and the economic performance of the controlled plant can be improved. Hence,by combining zone MPC and EMPC,the system can be driven to a target set,while at the same time,the economic performance can be improved. In this work,prediction horizon slice strategy was presented to integrate zone MPC and EMPC into one strategy,in which there are two parameters:the dividing point and the weighting matrix. The proposed algorithm not only gives improved economic performance than the normal zone MPC,but also gives better stability than normal economic MPC. The simulation results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.



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