首页> 中文期刊> 《可持续商业和经济(英文)》 >Choose one’s Professional Future and Sandwich Training in Higher Education: Experiences and Perspectives from CFA University in Corsica

Choose one’s Professional Future and Sandwich Training in Higher Education: Experiences and Perspectives from CFA University in Corsica



In France,the field of lifelong learning has undergone many changes since 2014 according to the laws that have been promulgated[Law No.2014-288 of 5 March 2014 on vocational training,employment and social democracy https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=-JORFTEXT000028683576&categorieLien=id;Law n°2018-771 of September 5,2018 for the freedom to choose one's professional future https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/affichTexte.do?cidTexte=JORFTEXT000037367660&categorieLien=id.].While the reform on vocational training for employment and social democracy finalized the decentralization of vocational training by giving regions the means for a more coherent action and placed them as a pilot for the construction of training policies,the recent law for the freedom to choose one's professional future recentralises the regulation of continuing vocational training and sandwich courses.This development will not fail to impact the governance of the CFA,especially those of Higher Education anchored in the small territories.Faced with this major structural issue in the specific context of a small island economy,the University Center for Apprenticeship Training in the Corsican region strives,for a decade,to contribute to the enhancement of the professional integration of work-study students from the University of Corsica,by the development and the durability of determining factors characteristic of a small territorial area in search of structuration[Specially:increased employability and quality of professional integration of its human capital,demonstrated growth in the level of skills acquisition in line with the needs expressed by local socio-economic actors,transfer of relevant knowledge through the learning process,active incentive to entrepreneurial capacity.].After having highlighted the qualitative results resulting from the activity dynamics of the CFA University in Corsica,this contribution will analyze the perspectives drawn from the exemplary nature of the latter in the context of a new law that is supposed to contribute to the regional structuring of a knowledge and competence economy.




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