首页> 中文期刊> 《建筑电气》 >涂装车间火灾自动报警系统设计探讨(待续)




对涂装车间的各火灾危险场所进行分析,给出了火灾自动报警系统的设计方案及下述主要观点和建议:区域火灾报警器是否可设置在无人值班场所,应主要取决于发生火灾后区域火灾报警器处是否需要有专职人员进行操作;火灾探测器的选择应依据灵敏度、可靠性等原则进行,且漏报、误报率应在可接受范围内;气体、二氧化碳、泡沫等灭火系统,在人员出入口处建议设置手动与自动控制转换装置;本底噪音较高的场所,需要根据火灾警报和消防广播的声压级、功率进行布置;大型工业项目建议使用自带电源集中控制型应急照明和疏散指示系统。%The paper analyzes all fire hazard locations in painting shops and then proposes the design schemes and suggestions whether the local fire alarm controller can be set in the area where is no people on-duty, depends on the professinals operation is needed or not in case it is on fire; fire detectors should be selected on the basis of the principle of sensitivity, reliability, etc., and the rate of missed alarm, rate of false alarm should be acceptable; for gas, carbon dioxide, foam extinguishing systems, manual and automatic control switching device is suggested to set in staff entrance; fire alarm and fire emergency broadcasting system needs to be arranged according to their SPL and power when background noise is higher; central controlled fire emergency lighting system for fire emergency luminaires powered by self-contained battery is suggested to use in large industrial project.



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