首页> 中文期刊> 《北京生物医学工程》 >轴流式血泵溶血数学模型的探究




溶血的定量评价对于血泵的设计和研究十分重要,而建立血泵溶血的数学模型,对于血泵溶血的预测,提高其血液相容性具有十分重要作用.本文在分析与血泵溶血相关因素的基础上,首先从能量守恒定律确定轴流式血泵叶轮驱动力的输出功可分两部分提供给血液:用于提高血液压力的能量以及用作血液溶血的能量.然后采用动力系统转矩方程和能量方程,建立血泵辅助循环溶血模型.最终建立了能够定量评价血泵在不同工作状态下(正常状态和抽吸状态)溶血程度的数学公式.本文对轴流式血泵的溶血问题提供了新的研究思路,将对血泵及其控制系统的改进提供重要的依据.%The quantitative evaluation of hemolysis is very important for the designing and studying a blood pump, so establishing a hemolytic mathematic model is very significant for predicting the hemolysis, improving the blood compatibility of axial flow blood pump and reducing the damage to blood. Based on analyzing the correlative factors of hemolysis, first we studied the hemolysis problem from the viewpoint of conservation of energy, and ascertained that the output power produced from the pump ' s impellers could be divided into two parts ,one was used to increase blood pressure and the other was led to hemolysis. After that we confirmed the hemolytic model by dynamic system torque and energy equations. Finally, we established the mathematical formula of blood pump in different conditions ( normal and suction) to evaluate the hemolytic value. This paper provides a new idea for studying the hemolytic problems, and gives scientific basis for improving a blood pump and its controlling system.



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