首页> 中文期刊> 《北京生物医学工程》 >大型医用设备引进前的综合效益量化评估




目的 设计一套大型医用设备引进前的综合效益量化评估工具,为卫生行政管理部门审核特定设备引进项目提供参考依据,目标是提高设备利用效率,合理配置卫生资源.方法 运用调研、综合分析和德尔菲专家咨询法,以县区级医院引进MRI设备为例,设计相关的社会效益量化模型,构建综合效益评估指标体系,并对某项目进行实践应用.结果 构建完成县区级医院引进MRI设备综合效益评估指标体系及使用方法,经实践检验具有较好的可操作性.设计完成相关的社会效益量化模型,为实现社会效益的量化评估做了有益的探索.结论 运用综合分析方法,将指标体系与模型设计相结合,是实现大型医用设备综合效益评估的一种有效的解决思路.%Objective To design a tool of quantitative assessment for the comprehensive benefit of the large medical equipments before purchase. This tool provides a basis to verify a large medical equipment purchase for the health administrative departments to improve the utilization efficiency of the medical equipments. Methods We explored to construct an index system as a tool of quantitative assessment for comprehensive benefit of MRI before purchase in county-level hospitals and examined its effectiveness. We also designed certain models for quantitative analysis on social benefit of large medical equipments as an innovative exploration based on investigation, comprehensive analysis and Delphi method. Results The index system for quantitative assessment on comprehensive benefit of MRI before purchase in county-level hospitals was established and proved by practice as an operable and efficient tool. The models for quantitative analysis of social benefit were designed as part of the system. Conclusions Index system combined with designed models is an effective solution to realize the quantitative assessment on comprehensive benefit of large medical equipments before purchase.



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