首页> 中文期刊>基础医学与临床 >复方利多卡因乳膏涂抹气管导管表面预防甲状腺手术全麻拔管期呛咳躁动




目的:评价复方利多卡因乳膏涂抹于气管导管表面,用于全麻甲状腺手术气管黏膜表面麻醉的有效性。方法前瞻随机双盲对照研究,连续纳入北京协和医院42例甲状腺部分或全切手术患者,随机分为对照组( C组)和试验组( L组)。将L组气管导管前1/2和套囊表面均匀涂布复方利多卡因乳膏(约2 g),C组导管表面涂抹石蜡油。研究终点为拔管期自发或诱发的(人为套囊放气充气)呛咳躁动事件。记录血流动力学指标,随访患者在麻醉恢复室(PACU)和住院期间并发症。结果拔管前的自发呛咳躁动率L组低于C组(15%和65%)(P<0.01);套囊放气充气试验阳性率L组低于C组(35%和90%)(P<0.001)。带管期间发生血压或心率增加超过基线20%的发生率,L组有低于C组的趋势(1.65±1.26和5.57±2.06次/例);拔管后1 min两组间收缩压与心率乘积,L组(12867±2169)低于C组(16385±2242)(P<0.05)。结论对于全麻下甲状腺手术,气管导管表面涂抹复方利多卡因乳膏进行气管黏膜表面麻醉,能够有效减少全麻拔管期患者的呛咳和躁动,降低心血管应激。%Objective To evaluate the topical anesthetic effects of compound lidocaine cream ( CLC) coated endo-tracheal tube on the prevention of cough/agitation during extubation in thyroidectomy under general anesthesia . Methods 42 patients scheduled for thyroidectomy in Peking Union Medical College Hospital were continuously en -rolled in this prospective double-blinded randomized controlled trial .Patients were randomized into two groups . Group L were intubated with endotracheal tube coated with CLC , while the control group , group C with liquid par-affin .The end point of study was spontaneous or induced cough /agitation during extubation .Hemodynamic parame-ters and the consumption of opioids were recorded .Patients were followed for major complications during their stay in hospital .Results Spontaneous cough/agitation rate was lower in group L than group C ( 15% vs 65%, P<0.01 );so was induced cough/agitation (35%vs 90%, P<0.001 );the value of SBP ×HR was lower in group L at 1 min after extubation ( P<0.05 ) .Conclusions The topical anesthetic effects of CLC coated endotracheal tube could prevent cough and agitation during extubation in thyroidectomy under general anesthesia .



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