首页> 中文期刊>自动化与仪表 >基于北斗卫星通信技术的自动抄表系统研究




该文针对偏远地区无通信资源覆盖导致电能量数据无法自动采集的问题,提出一种基于北斗卫星通信技术的自动化抄表系统,并搭建了系统硬软件平台.设计方案充分利用了北斗卫星短报文技术以及北斗电能量采集终端,将数百台电能表的电能量数据集中至一台大容量通讯管理机,并上传至计量自动化系统主站,实现对采集的电能量数据的管理和传输.测试结果表明,该系统数据传输快速、稳定、可靠,可以实现远程监控和数据采集.%Aiming at the problem that energy data can not be collected automatically in remote area,an automatic meter reading system based on the Beidou satellite communication technology is proposed.The hardware and software platform of the system is set up.This scheme makes full use of the short message technology of the Beidou satellite and the power acquisition terminal of the Beidou,concentrating the electrical energy data of hundreds of electric energy meters to a large capacity communication management machine,and transmitting the data to the main station automation system.It realizes the management and transmission of the energy data collected.The test results show that the system transfers data fastly,stablely and reliably,and can realize remote monitoring and data acquisition.



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