首页> 中文期刊> 《原子能科学技术》 >主泵参数变化对压力容器液位测量影响分析




为了量化分析CPR1000核电厂主泵特性及相关参数(如电网频率、空泡份额等)变化对堆芯冷却监测系统(CCMS)压力容器液位(L VSL)测量引入的误差,评价该误差对事故处理进程的影响,基于CCMS L VSL测量原理,推导出主泵各参数变化对L VSL测量引入误差的计算公式,并进行量化计算。计算结果表明,除主泵本身的性能降级会导致L VSL较大的低估误差外,其余参数变化对L VSL测量引入的误差可忽略。结合状态导向法事故运行程序(SOP),分析了主泵本身性能降级导致的低估误差对操纵员关键安全操作的影响。结果表明,该误差可能干扰SOP中主泵的相关操作,但不会阻碍SOP事故处理中关键安全操作的执行。%In order to quantitatively analyze the error of CCMS (core cooling monitoring system) vessel water level measurement induced by the variation of the characteristic of the primary pumps and correlative parameters (power grid frequency , void fraction etc .) in CPR1000 nuclear pow er plant ,and then evaluate its impact on accident manage‐ment process ,based on the principle of CCMS vessel water level measurement ,the formulae to calculate the error through the parameters of the primary pumps were proposed ,and the quantitative analysis by using this calculations was made in the paper . The results show that the error induced by the parameter variation can be ignored , except the under‐estimated error induced by function degradation of the primary pump . After the impact of the under‐estimated error on the operator’s critical safety actions in the view of SOP (state oriented procedure) was analyzed ,the conclusion is made that the error may disturb the operations relative to primary pumps ,but will not obstruct the critical safety actions to be implemented in SOP .



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