首页> 中文期刊> 《亚洲男性学杂志:英文版》 >Relationship of sperm plasma membrane andacrosomal integrities with sperm morphometry inBos taurus

Relationship of sperm plasma membrane andacrosomal integrities with sperm morphometry inBos taurus



To date,sperm morphometric studies have assessed whole sperm populations without considering sperm function.The aim of this study was to evaluate the relati on ship of sperm membrane and acrosomal integrity with sperm morphometry in liquid semen samples collected from bulls.To this end,sperm morphometry was performed on cryopreserved semen samples from 16 bulls by a combination of fluorescent dyes,including Hoechst 33343,carboxyfluorescein diacetate,and propidium iodide.This allowed discrimination of different subpopulations on the basis of sperm membrane and acrosomal integrity and analysis of the morphometries of the sperm head,nucleus,and acrosome using a specific plug-in module created on ImageJ.Acrosomal integrity was related to sperm morphometry as the heads of spermatozoa with a damaged acrosome were significantly smaller than those with a normal acrosome(P<0.001).In the case of spermatozoa with an intact acrosome,those with a damaged plasma membrane had a larger sperm head and acrosome than spermatozoa with an intact plasma membrane(P<0.001).No significant differences in the sperm head size were observed between sperm subpopulations without an acrosome or in the nuclear sperm morphometry of the different subpopulations.There was a positive correlation between the sperm motility values of the samples and the morphometric parameters for in tact spermatozoa.These correlations were particularly strong for the morphometric parameters of the sperm acrosome.We conclude that there are clear differences in the sperm morphometry depending on the status of the sperm membrane and acrosome and this should be considered when performing this kind of analysis.




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