首页> 外文期刊>亚洲男性学杂志(英文版) >Antispermatogenic activity of Morinda lucida extract in male rats

Antispermatogenic activity of Morinda lucida extract in male rats


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Aim: To investigate the effect of Morinda lucida Benth (Rubiaceae) on the reproductive activity of male albino rats.respectively. The control rats received the vehicle. All the treated rats had corresponding recovery groups. At the end of each experimental period, animals were killed and organ weights, sperm characteristics, serum testosterone levels,histology of the testes and fertility were assessed. Results: Morinda lucida leaf extract did not cause any changes in body and somatic organ weights, but significantly increased the testis weight (P < 0.05). The sperm motility and viability, and the epididymal sperm counts of rats treated for 13 weeks were significantly reduced (P < 0.05). Sperm morphological abnormalities and serum testosterone levels were significantly increased (P < 0.05). There were various degrees of damage to the seminiferous tubules. The extract reduced the fertility of the treated rats by reducing the litter size. Reversal of these changes, however, occurred after a period of time. Conclusion: The extract of Morinda lucida has reversible antispermatogenic properties.
机译:目的:探讨巴戟天(Morinda lucida Benth)对雄性白化病大鼠生殖活性的影响。对照大鼠接受载体。所有治疗的大鼠具有相应的恢复组。在每个实验期结束时,处死动物并评估器官重量,精子特征,血清睾丸激素水平,睾丸组织学和繁殖力。结果:巴戟天叶片提取物未引起人体和躯体器官重量的任何变化,但显着增加了睾丸重量(P <0.05)。治疗13周后大鼠的精子活力和生存能力以及附睾精子数量明显减少(P <0.05)。精子形态异常和血清睾丸激素水平明显升高(P <0.05)。曲细精管有不同程度的损伤。提取物通过减少垫料的大小降低了治疗大鼠的生育力。但是,这些更改在一段时间后发生了逆转。结论:巴戟天提取物具有可逆的抗生精特性。




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