首页> 中文期刊> 《亚洲农业研究:英文版》 >A Comparative Experimental Research on the Traditional Cultivation Technology and Intensive Cultivation Technology of Olea europaea

A Comparative Experimental Research on the Traditional Cultivation Technology and Intensive Cultivation Technology of Olea europaea



In order to improve the intensive cultivation and management technology of Olea europaea in the high density orchard,through an analysis on the 3 a growth,yield and orchard construction cost for different varieties and different densities in Gansu Wudu ordinary O.europaea orchard and close O.europaea planting orchard,the appropriate conditions,varieties and density for intensive orchard construction were initially selected.The results showed that the tree height growth in the ordinary orchard was 119%of the tree height growth in the high density orchard,while the ground diameter growth in the ordinary orchard was 112%of the ground diameter growth in the high density orchard,but the yield in the ordinary orchard was only 62%of the yield in the high density orchard;of the 8 new varieties introduced from Spain,"Arbequina","Arbosana"and"Koroneiki"were the appropriate varieties for the intensive orchard construction;the ratio of the ordinary orchard construction cost to the high density orchard construction cost was 1∶6.24.Under high water and fertilizer conditions,the ratio of the ordinary orchard yield to the high density orchard yield was 1∶4.481.Therefore,in the flat land area,using the appropriate intensive cultivars,and integrating the high-tech achievements and advanced management tools,can increase output per unit area,and greatly save manpower and land costs,to achieve the purpose of high quality,high yield and stable production.In the production practice,it is necessary to vigorously promote the intensive cultivation technology of O.europaea.


  • 来源
    《亚洲农业研究:英文版》 |2018年第001期|P.54-58|共5页
  • 作者

    Zhengwu ZHANG;

  • 作者单位

    Institute of Olive Research,Longnan Academy of Economic Forest Sciences,Longnan 746000, China;

  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 CHI
  • 中图分类 s4;
  • 关键词



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