首页> 中文期刊> 《安徽林业科技》 >长江中下游滩地杨树林植物多样性研究




本文以3个人工杨树林下植物群落调查样地及原始无林滩地资料为基础,从物种丰富度、均匀度和物种多样性指数等方面对长江中下游江河滩地抑螺防病林试验示范区林下植物群落多样性进行了分析。结果表明,人工林栽植后植物多样性升高了,且不同林龄人工林的植物种类及物种多样性存在差异——3年生的人工林多样性指数最高,8年生的人工林均匀度最高。说明滩地造林明显增加了植物群落的多样性,但随着林分的郁闭会限制其下植物的生长,导致多样性呈下降趋势,可见人工林林分郁闭度左右着林下植物的组成及分布。%In this paper, based on the data on poplar plantation undergrowth communities from three plots and some original non-forest river marshlands, the undergrowth community diversity of the river marshland oncomelania-control and schistosomasis-prevention forests in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River was analyzed from the perspectives of species richness, uniformity and species diversity index. The results showed that the botanical diversity increased after afforestation and varied in different-aged plantations with 3-year plantations having the highest botanical diversity index and 8-year plantations having the highest uniformity. River marshland afforestation enriched the botanical community diversity which would show a downtrend along with the stand canopy closure limiting the undergrowth. The results showed that the stand canopy density of the plantations dominated the undergrowth species composition and distribution.



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