首页> 外文期刊>农业科学与技术(英文版) >人居环境视角下的古村落保护与管理——以婺源思口镇西冲村为例


机译:人居环境视角下的古村落保护与管理——以婺源思口镇西冲村为例Protection and Management for Ancient Villages from the Perspective of Human Settlement Environment——A Case Study of Xichong Village, Sikou Town, Wuyuan County

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As urbanization continues,traditional villages are confronted by the conflict between protection and development,especially for ancient villages in living environment.China landscape is so vast,dominated by rural areas.Human settlement environment of ancient villages is so important for studying domestic human settlement environment,including ancient structure analysis and eco-resource organization.The research explored Xichong Village,Sikou Town,Wuyuan County and detailed how to improve its environment,providing references for ancient village development in settlement environment.%随着城市化的进程,传统村落的保护与发展矛盾日益突出,尤其是改善古村落的人居环境这一部分.我国幅员辽阔,村落相较于城镇占据了更大的比重,古村落的人居环境研究更是我国人居环境研究的重要领域,其主要研究内容包括对古村落的结构分析、生态资源整合等.该文结合婺源县思口镇西冲村的实际案例,在其现状的基础上去研究其人居环境将如何改善,为古村落人居环境发展提供具有参考价值的理念.
机译:As urbanization continues,traditional villages are confronted by the conflict between protection and development,especially for ancient villages in living environment.China landscape is so vast,dominated by rural areas.Human settlement environment of ancient villages is so important for studying domestic human settlement environment,including ancient structure analysis and eco-resource organization.The research explored Xichong Village,Sikou Town,Wuyuan County and detailed how to improve its environment,providing references for ancient village development in settlement environment.%随着城市化的进程,传统村落的保护与发展矛盾日益突出,尤其是改善古村落的人居环境这一部分.我国幅员辽阔,村落相较于城镇占据了更大的比重,古村落的人居环境研究更是我国人居环境研究的重要领域,其主要研究内容包括对古村落的结构分析、生态资源整合等.该文结合婺源县思口镇西冲村的实际案例,在其现状的基础上去研究其人居环境将如何改善,为古村落人居环境发展提供具有参考价值的理念.



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