首页> 中文期刊> 《海洋科学进展》 >胶州湾海面溢油轨迹的数值模拟




Based on 1 month of tidal data observed at the Tuandao andXuejiadao, we obtained the harmonic constants of the M2,S2,O1 and K1 components by using a harmonic analysis method and developed a model for predicting the tidal currents in the Jiaozhou Bay. The numerical model of predicting oil spill trajectory in the Jiaozhou Bay is given, and the effect of the sea surface wind on the oil spill is taken into account. As a case study, a hindcast was conducted to simulate the accident of oil taker "Eastern Ambassador" at the Zhongsha Reef in the Bay on November 25, 1983. The simulated results agree well with the observed results.%对胶州湾湾口两侧——团岛和薛家岛1个月的潮位观测资料进行调和分析,得出湾口两侧M2,S2,O1,K1分潮的调和常数,进而建立了胶州湾内的预报潮流场。考虑风场对海面溢油的影响,给出了预测胶州湾溢油飘移轨迹的数值模型,对1983年11月25日“东方大使”号油轮在中砂礁触礁后的溢油的油膜漂移轨迹进行了数值模拟,结果与事故后观测到的结果相符,说明了数值模拟的正确性。



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