首页> 中文期刊> 《现代纺织技术》 >基于Fluent的可吸收缝合线射流喷嘴的流场数值模拟




To solve the problem of controlling the diameter of the filament in the process of spinning of absorbable suture of collagen and chitosan,numerical simulation of the flow field of the absorbable suture jet nozzle was made with Fluent software.Gambit software was adopted to build a nozzle model,Fluent software was adopted to simulate the jetting process of the nozzle jet nozzle,and Tecplot software was adopted to analyze the fluid radius after jetting.Simulation results show that the fluid radius decreases with the increase of the inlet velocity and the increase of liquid viscosity,and increases with the increases of density of liquid and the increase of the size of spinneret orifice in case the control variate method is adopted and other conditions remain unchanged;the speed of fluid radius reducing after jetting becomes smaller becomes slower as either the inlet velocity or fluid viscosity increases alone;adjusting the inlet velocity is the most economical,convenient and effective measures for controlling the diameter of filament.The deviation between the simulation results and the measured datas is less than 9%.%为了解决壳聚糖和胶原蛋白可吸收缝合线纺丝成型过程中的喷丝线径控制问题,运用Fluent软件对可吸收缝合线射流喷嘴的流场进行数值模拟.采用Gambit软件建立喷嘴模型,采用Fluent软件仿真喷嘴射流过程,最后通过Tecplot软件分析射流后流体半径尺寸.仿真结果表明:采用控制变量法,当其他条件不变时,射流后流体半径随入口速度的增大而减小,随流体粘度的增大而减小,随流体密度的增大而增大,随喷丝孔尺寸的增大而增大;入口速度和流体粘度单独增大时,射流后流体半径变小的趋势变缓;调整入口速度是喷丝线径控制问题最经济、方便、有效的措施;仿真结果与实测数据的偏差保持在9%以内.



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