首页> 中文期刊> 《岩石学报》 >塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动及其变形机理




The purpose of this paper is to analyse the poly-phase differential movement and deformation mechanisms of the fault structures of the Tarim Basin. Based on the seismic profile interpretation, comprehensive analysis of the drilling and geologic data as well as compiling the fault system figures of the different stages, it is indicated that the main tectonic stages controlling the formation and evolution of the fault structures in the Tarim Basin are Early Caledonian, Middle Caledonian, Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian, Late Hercynian, Indosinian, Yanshanian, and Himalayan. During the Early Caledonian, the fault movement was controlled by extensional regime and formed a series of normal faults along the pre-existing basement fault belts. During the Middle Caledonian and Late Caledonian-Early Hercynian, it is characterized by thrust faults, mainly distributed in the east Tarim, middle Tarim, Tangubasi, Bachu and Maigaiti regions. It is also characterized by thrusting during the Late Hercynian, and migrates from middle Tarim, Tangubasi, east Mazhatag which the fault movement is intense in the early stages to the north Tarim uplift and east Tarim. A series of fault belts formed in the foreland area during the Indosinian, Yanshanian, and Himalayan, originated a lot of imbricated thrust faults, fold-thrust belts, duplex structures and salt-related structures. The fault structure undeveloped in the stable region of the basin such as the north Tarim uplift, middle Tarim uplift, Awati-Manjar depression during the Meso-Cenozoic. The fault deformation mechanisms during the Paleozoic may have a bearing upon regional tectonic regime change and tectonic transform, pre-existing basement fault zone, major regional unconformity, main detachment zone. The regional tectonic regime change and tectonic transform are mainly controlled by the time and intensity of the extension, subduction and closure at the peripheral oceanic basins during the Paleozoic. The preexisting basement fault zone or weak zone may control the later stage fault position and orientation. The major regional unconformity and main detachment zone may control the fault development and distribution horizons. The fault deformation mechanisms during the Meso-Cenozoic maybe related to the regional tectonic regime and tectonic position. The fault structures develop in the three environments of the foreland, stable and erosion regions during the Meso-Cenozoic. The fault structures undeveloped in the stable regions of the basin. The fault belts during the Meso-Cenozoic mainly develop in the foreland tectonic regime and are controlled by rapid intense rise of the peripheral orogenic belts, compression and thrusting, wrench-thrust or thrust-wrench, as well as the basin-mountain coupling at the Late Himalayan and detachment layers.%本文的目的是探讨塔里木盆地断裂构造分期差异活动过程及其变形机理.在地震剖面解释、钻井资料和地质资料综合分析的基础上,通过编制塔里木盆地不同时期断裂系统图,提出控制塔里木盆地断裂构造形成和演化主要构造活动期次为:加里东早期、加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期、海西晚期、印支期、燕山期和喜马拉雅期.加里东早期断裂活动受伸展环境制约,沿先存基底断裂带形成张性正断层.加里东中期、加里东晚期-海西早期断裂活动以逆冲作用为主,在塔东、塔中、塘古巴斯、巴楚和麦盖提地区最为发育.海西晚期断裂活动也是以逆冲作用为特征,并从早期断裂强烈活动的塔中、塘古巴斯、玛东等地区,迁移到塔北隆起和东部地区.印支、燕山和喜马拉雅期,前陆地区断裂构造发育,形成叠瓦冲断带、褶皱-冲断带、双重构造、盐相关构造等;但在盆内稳定区,断裂构造不发育,活动性弱.古生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,主要与区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换、先存基底断裂带、大型区域性不整合、滑脱带等要素密切相关.区域大地构造环境的变化和构造转换主要受控于塔里木周缘洋盆的伸展裂解、俯冲消减和洋盆闭合的时限和强度.先存基底断裂带或基底构造软弱带往往控制着后期断裂的发育位置和展布方向.大型区域性不整合和滑脱带控制着断裂构造的发育和分布层位.中、新生代断裂构造发育分布的控制机理,与区域大地构造环境及其构造转换、区域构造位置有关.中、新生代塔里木断裂构造主要分为三种环境,即前陆构造环境、盆内稳定区构造环境和隆升剥蚀区构造环境.盆内稳定区断裂构造不发育,活动性较弱.中、新生代断裂构造主体发育在前陆构造环境中,主要受控于周缘造山带强烈隆升、挤压冲断、走滑-逆冲或逆冲-走滑作用,同时与喜马拉雅晚期盆-山耦合作用及滑脱层的发育有关.


  • 来源
    《岩石学报》 |2012年第8期|2569-2583|共15页
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  • 原文格式 PDF
  • 正文语种 chi
  • 中图分类 P542.3;
  • 关键词

    断裂构造; 分期差异活动; 变形机理; 先存基底断裂带; 滑脱层; 塔里木盆地;


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