首页> 中文期刊> 《地质学报:英文版》 >Deep Structure and Metallogenic Processes of the Altai-Junggar-Tianshan Collage in Southern Altaids

Deep Structure and Metallogenic Processes of the Altai-Junggar-Tianshan Collage in Southern Altaids



The Altai-Junggar-Tianshan collage in southern Altaids is an important metallogenic domain in Central Asia that contain world-class copper-iron-nickel deposits.As an accretionary-type metallogenic system,the metallogenic processes of the Altai-Junggar-Tianshan collage is essential in understanding the genetic mechanism of ore deposits in general.Here in this paper we present a brief introduction to the project on the western part of the Southern Altaids,entitled"The deep structure and metallegenic processes of the North China accretionary metallogenic systems".This project mainly focuses on the deep structure and metallogenic background of the Altai-Junggar-Tianshan collage by integrated studies from field geology,structural mapping,geochemistry and geophysical exploration.Multiple new geological and geophysical methods will be applied to make transparency of the Kalatongke and Kalatage ore clusters.This will update our understanding of the geodynamic processes of metallogenesis and lead to the development and foundation of new metallogenic theories in accretionary orogens.




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