首页> 中文期刊> 《江西农业学报》 >不同光源对吊竹梅生长和光合特性的影响




为解决植物在寡照的室内环境下生长不良的问题而开发出适宜于室内植物生长的商业照明灯,研究了不同光源对常见垂直绿化植物吊竹梅光合特性及生长的影响,比较了其叶绿素相对含量、净光合速率、存活率、株高、节间距、叶片数、分株数等指标。在全光谱LED灯( T3处理)下吊竹梅的叶片数和分枝数最多,生长情况相对较好。在T3处理下吊竹梅的叶绿素相对含量和最大净光合速率( Pmax)最高,分别为30.99 SPAD和5.07μmol/(m2· s);在较低的光合有效辐射(<130)的T3处理下生长的吊竹梅净光合效率与在高光合有效辐射(>500)日光温室生长的吊竹梅相当。在全光谱LED灯下照明的吊竹梅可进行正常的生长且光合能力较强,可为开发适宜应用于室内办公环境的植物照明产品提供参考依据。%Absrta ct:In order to solve plants growth problem in poor-light indoor environment and develop the most appropriate plant growth lights applied to indoor commercial lighting, studied different light sources on the growth and photosynthetic response of Tradecs antia zebrine, several indexes, including chlorophyll content, photosynthetic rate, maximum photosynthetic rate, survival rate, height, the distance of internode,leaves and ramets amount were compared .The results showed that compared with other treatments, the full-spectrum LED grow light ( T3 treatment) improved leaves and ramets amount of Tradescantia ez brina. The T3 treatment greatly improved chlorophyll content and maximum photosynthetic rate of Tradescantia zebrina were 30.99 SPAD and 5.07μmol/( m2 · s); respectively. The growth of Tradescantia zebrine at T3 treatment was similar to those at the treatment of he-liogreenhouse.The full-spectrum LED grow light increased the health growth and photosynthetic capacity of Tradescantia zebrina and provided evidence for appropriate plant growth lights applied to indoor commercial lighting.



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