首页> 中文期刊> 《西北农业学报》 >氮磷营养对高寒阴湿区春玉米产量及品质的影响




在平衡K、S及微量元素肥料的基础上,研究了不同氮磷水平下的配合施用对玉米农艺性状、产量及品质的影响.结果表明,N、P单施或配施可明显改善玉米农艺性状,施N后玉米的综合农艺性状明显改善,施P可促进玉米提早抽雄,穗粒数、百粒质量增加,秃顶长减少.不同比例的氮磷配施可以大幅度提高玉米的产量,每kg N增产玉米10.7~18.3 kg,每kg P_2O_5增产玉米9.9~10.8 kg.施肥对玉米籽粒品质有较大的影响,但氮磷配施更有利于籽粒品质的提高.在黄绵土上种植玉米制约其产量的主要因素是N,其次为P,从产量和品质综合考虑推荐施肥量N 225 kg/hm~2、P_2O_5 150 kg/hm~2.%The effects of different NP levels on agronomic traits, yield and quality of spring maize were studied when potassium sulphate and trace elements balanced. The results showed that, N, P alone or with combined application can significantly improve the agronomic traits of maize. The maize agronomic traits was obviously improved by N applied, P applied promote heading for early maize, increasing grain number and 100-grain weight, reducing bare tip-length. Maize yield can substantially improved when different proportions of nitrogen and phosphorus, the yield was increased 10. 7 ~ 18. 3 kg per kg N and 9. 9 ~ 10. 8 kg per kg P_2O_5, separately. There is much effect on maize grain quality when fertilizing, than N, P alone application. The main limited factor is N when planting maize in cal-caric cambisois soil, followed by P. The recommendated fertilizer is N 225 kg/hm~2, P_2O_5 150 kg/ hm~2 from the yield and quality.



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